Saturday, October 3, 2015


Sometimes you just have to have faith in all that you do !

With a little faith, trust & pixie dust

Friday, September 18, 2015

Over a year

Gosh !  I have realized that it's been a little over a year since I blogged time does indeed slip away
It is my goal to get back to the blogging world every now and then.

With a little Faith, Trust & Pixie dust

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Me project

A few years ago I embarked on my own personal self discovery it's been a roller coaster ride finding out what I feel makes me tick I am still and always will be a work in progress in all aspects of my life and I can live with that. 

My journey took me to some personal places that required me to really search my heart and soul especially where it concerned a few siblings I can honestly say I will always love my siblings but there are times I wondered how we were ever related 
 I'm a believer in honesty is the best policy and stands by my truths because those convictions are apart of me 
 In the past year I have had some medical concerns that have put me back on my continued quest I came across this book entitled the me project 21 days to living the life you always wanted its an interesting Christian self help read. Some of it rings true others I don't feel are for me not that I question my faith but I believe everyone has their own personal feelings and thoughts on their relationship of faith 

For he I continue to label myself a Erik in continued progress and will continue finding my way with my me project 

With a little 
faith truest & pixie dust 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Paleo or not Paleo that is the question

Paleo or not Paleo that is the question most of my friends, co-workers are all either on the Paleo or some kind of healthy eating regimen such as beach bodies 21 day fix.  don't get me wrong I my self am searching to get on a healthy eating train that will be great for me. I am one who has never like the word "diet" for me that word seems to always be a sign of failure for any one that diets. I have not been very disciplined when it comes to food. that is something I am working on.

I am weighing the options as to what is going to be good for me, I know what I hope to do and I am going to try to put it to a test. I am 51 years of age and I think eating healthy and not depriving myself and eating in moderation is worth a try I think I will try this Paleo and see if it is for me after all it does not hurt to test it out.

maybe a combination of every thing I have heard nutritionally may help well whatever road I take I know that it has to be healthy and tasteful.

with a little faith, trust and pixie dust

Saturday, September 28, 2013


"If you are going to doubt something doubt your limits"

Always have a little Faith, Trust and Pixie dust

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Enjoy the little things in life because 
one day you will look back
realizing they were big things 

With a little faith, trust & pixie dust

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Home made ice cream

The old saying: "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream" on the fourth of July since both my adult children were home we made it a special celebration as my son was leaving the next day to embark on his new move to Seattle and we were also having a late birthday celebration for my husband ( he wanted to wait till both kids were home) instead of a birthday cake ( as he is not a cake type person) we decided to have banana splits and I love to make home made ice cream with my new Cuisinart ice cream maker so i made some salted caramel ice cream it was delicious! I usually just make simple vanilla but I came across the recipe and thought I would give it a whirl. I like when you try something for the first time and it comes out like it is supposed to.

with a little faith trust and pixie dust