Monday, January 7, 2013

I don't have time

"I don't have time to hate the people who hate me, cause I'm to busy loving the people who love me"

another quote i came across recently that resonated with me, I have always been the type that really never cared what people think of me, what matters to me is what I think of myself. 

the only people that I feel I need to answer to are of course the Lord above, to myself and to my soul-mate and our children they are my tribe,my inner circle. 

I have come along way to this belief it's been hard because being the last of nine children I was always trying to be the "person who pleases everyone" well I finally came to the realization that you cannot please everyone it just is a difficult task to do no one is ever happy. so I discovered that my personal happiness the little things are what makes me happy is what I will focus on. 

I have lost some people from my way of thinking and have also gained some people, for those that I lost including some family well I wish them all the best in the world and for the new I have gained there is a reason we have crossed paths.

there is to much negative thinking in this world I choose to stay away from the negative as much as I can and only focus on the positive,some say that I am being kind of sap by that way of thinking If I am being a sap then so be it I would much rather have a positive vibe resonating in me then a negative one, for negativity only brings you stress. 

I am choosing the to try be stress free as much as humanly possible.

With a little faith, trust & pixie dust

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Quote from Dear Albert

" We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us"                                                                                              (Albert Einstein)

          with a little faith, trust, & pixie dust

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 reflection

As I reflect on the past year I look upon many things, things that brought joy to my heart and things that brought some hurt but through it all it made me stronger.

Last January I was beginning my second semester as a returning college student and I must say I am enjoying it tremendously though it is frustrating at times to work full time and go to college full time but I am getting it done.

Feb- it was a quite month happy valentines

March- again still busy with school and work, husband still unemployed and spirit down but I know it will get better.

April- spring break much needed I am thankful that I have a job that I get off when the students do, my son turned 22

May- Jeff and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary I am proud of our accomplishment as many people swore to us that it would never last boy were they wrong! we had a family reunion for my mother's side of the family it was nice but there is still such a awkwardness and distance between me and three of my sisters it will never be the same. ( that breaks my heart but I can't make people feel what they don't) I find myself lost in all of this things that I believed well were not true it hurts.

I survived my second semester and did pretty well

June- our daughter turned 20 it's hard for me to believe that we have adult children, I am proud of the beautiful souls they are
our son graduated from UCSC with honors what  proud moment, he will  be off to grad school soon

July- jeff is checking into returning to school thank you pres obama for thinking about vet's who need new job skills. I am on summer vacation from work yippee attended a cousins birthday its' nice to reconnect with family.

Aug- back to work and college-  had to have gallbladder removed was not expecting that!

Sept- jeff finally back to school works out kind of nice his school is near my work same days I work so we now carpool together

Oct- quick trip to Az to visit my in-laws nice to see them , started to get back into my yoga and running hope to at least perhaps be able to do another 5k someday

Nov- turned the big 50 I do not feel older I never say I am older I like to say I am another year wiser! it was  nice dinner with the hubby daughter and her boyfriend missed my son he had to work.
Dec- full of the holiday spirit enjoyed craft fairs and picking up new ideas for homemade gifts annual daugher and niece shopping trip to san fransico we got drenched this year! , Christmas at my sister jeanne's great to see her son and his family from Japan, jeff and I got the flu we are on the mend now thanks to getting some good medicine from the doc. new year eve- I made the usual, jeff went to bed early since was not feeling good kaitlyn and kevin and I watched movies then I fell alseep just a normal quite new year' s eve.

my wishes for all in the new year- hope everyone has a new year that is filled with blessings

with a little faith trust and pixie dust