Monday, May 26, 2014

Paleo or not Paleo that is the question

Paleo or not Paleo that is the question most of my friends, co-workers are all either on the Paleo or some kind of healthy eating regimen such as beach bodies 21 day fix.  don't get me wrong I my self am searching to get on a healthy eating train that will be great for me. I am one who has never like the word "diet" for me that word seems to always be a sign of failure for any one that diets. I have not been very disciplined when it comes to food. that is something I am working on.

I am weighing the options as to what is going to be good for me, I know what I hope to do and I am going to try to put it to a test. I am 51 years of age and I think eating healthy and not depriving myself and eating in moderation is worth a try I think I will try this Paleo and see if it is for me after all it does not hurt to test it out.

maybe a combination of every thing I have heard nutritionally may help well whatever road I take I know that it has to be healthy and tasteful.

with a little faith, trust and pixie dust